How to choose the right Exhaust Fan?

How to choose the Exhaust Fan? - Important Tips to Consider

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When choosing the right exhaust fan, there are several factors you need to consider. The most crucial factor is the size of the fan. You want to ensure the fan is large enough to do the job but not so large that it’s too noisy or takes up too much space.

You also want to consider the type of fan. There are two main types of exhaust fans – centrifugal and axial.

It would be best if you also considered the fan’s noise level. If you’re installing the fan in a Warehouse / factory or other area where noise can be a problem, you may want to look for a lower noise rating.

How to Determine Cubic Feet per minute (CFM)?

The air a fan can move is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). To determine how much air a fan can move, you need to know the size of the room and the type of fan you’re using.

For example, if you’re using a centrifugal fan in a room that is 10 feet by 10 feet, you will need a fan that can move at least 100 CFM. If you’re using an axial fan in the same room, you will need a fan carrying at least 50 CFM.

Once you’ve determined the fan size you need, you can look for a fan with the appropriate CFM rating. You should also consider the fan’s noise level, as higher CFM ratings tend to be noisier.

Room volume = LxWxH CFM = Room Volume ÷ Min/Change

Here is a chart showing some suggested air changes for various room sizes.

Suggested Air Changes for Proper Ventilation
CFM = Room Volume/Min.Chg. Room Volume = L x W x H
Area Min./Chg. Area Min./Chg. Area Min./Chg.
Assembly Hall 3-10 Dining Hall 3-7 Mill 3-8
Attic 2-4 Dining Room 4-8 Office 2-8
Auditorium 3-10 Dormitories 5-8 Packing House 2-5
Bakery 2-3 Dry Cleaner 2-5 Plating Room 1-5
Bar 2-4 Engine room 1-3 Printing Plant 3-8
Barn 12-18 Factory 2-7 Projection Room 1-2
Beauty Parlor 2-5 Foundry 1-5 Recreation Room 2-8
Boiler Room 1-3 Garage 2-10 Residence 2-8
Bowling Alley 3-7 Generator Room 2-5 Restaurant 5-10
Cafeteria 3-5 Gymnasium 3-8 Restroom 5-7
Church 4-10 Kitchen 1-5 Store 3-7
Classroom 4-6 Laboratory 2-5 Transfer Room 1-5
Club Room 3-7 Laundry 2-4 Warehouse 3-10
Corridors/Halls 6-20 Machine Shop 3-6
Dairies 2-5 Meeting Room 3-10


Ventilation and exhaust fans play an important role in keeping the air in your home clean and free from odours and contaminants. While they serve different purposes, it’s essential to understand the differences between them and how to choose the right fan for your needs.
When choosing a fan, you should consider the fan size, the type of fan, the noise level, and the cost. You should also determine the CFM rating of the fan, as this will help you ensure that the fan is powerful enough to move the air in your home.

Whether you’re looking for a ventilation fan or an exhaust fan, having the right fan in your home can make a big difference in air quality. So do your research and choose the right fan for your needs.

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